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blog posts

how homesickness led me to the most embarrassing moment of my life (so far)
After suffering an unusual bout of homesickness this week for the first time since September, I decided that for my second post, I wanted to provide a bit of a reality-check on what living abroad is actually like...

the one where I walked down the aisle (in a 6 euro primark dress)
You know how it is. The end of the month. Your cupboards have seen better days and for the past three nights you’ve been eating some questionable concoctions of instant noodles, fish fingers...

The Good Friday agreement, my short lived poetry career and my first bra
Where I live, your religion dictates which newspaper you read, it dictates what brand of clothes you wear and what shops you go to. It dictates your pronunciation of the letter ‘h,’ what sport you play and what school you go to...
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